故事发生在1845年的英国,安妮(查利·墨菲 Charlie Murphy 饰)、夏洛特(菲恩·阿特金斯 Finn Atkins 饰)和艾米丽(克洛伊·皮里 Chloe Pirrie 饰)三姐妹和他们年迈的老父亲一起过着相依为命的生活。弟弟布兰威尔(亚当·纳盖提斯 Adam Nagaitis 饰)的屡屡骚扰让这家人本就贫困的生活雪上加霜。...
Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder ...
Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder ...