Based on the smash video game series by Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts, Broken Age) and the world originally created by Tasha Sounart, Costume Quest is a funny and mysterious animated series a...
在乔布斯离世后,全世界的人们用各种方式纪念这位富有远见的天才,而授权版乔布斯传记作者Walter Isaacson也揭示了许多关于乔布斯私人生活的细节,PBS电视台将于11月2日播放纪念乔布斯的新纪录片“Steve Jobs - One Last Thing”,片中将会将会有大量曾经与乔布斯合作的采访片段。 ...
An anthology series in which each episode is a self-contained story set in a different world, with all stories linked together by an asteroid called the Metal Hurlant, which is passing cl...